
Showing posts from April 21, 2018

Turning Mindfulness into Mad Money

For some home-based, the business of energy healing can be both spiritually and monetarily rewarding. Chalk it up to an increasingly digital - yet disconnected - world, but we increasingly find ourselves disillusioned with all things traditional – be it in our business or personal life.   No longer reserved for the New Agers and the Glitterati, the search for “something greater” and “more rewarding” for the here-and-now has gone mainstream. No greater momentum than in the healthcare community where acupuncture, for example, is now covered under your policy. The definitions of health and healing continue to morph as the focus moves from the body and the mind, to the spirit and the soul. Energy healing, in particular, is gaining in both interest and credibility as proof from the growing number of books, seminars, and cottage industries promising and sometimes delivering on incredible claims. Yet different approaches to energy healing are appearing like shooting stars wit