
Showing posts from April, 2020

B2B Strategy: COVID-19 Turns Heads to the Clouds.

Working from home offers many benefits: from overhead cost-cutting to providing improved employee productivity and morale. According to one study , 85 percent of businesses confirm that productivity has increased in their business because of greater flexibility. What's more, 63 percent of those surveyed report at least a 21 percent improvement in productivity because of flexible working.  This flexibility to work from home, not only makes workers happier ( Owl Labs found full-time remote workers reported being happy in their jobs 22 percent more than workers who are never remote), but hopefully healthier . Recent events have added a new caveat: working from home reduces interpersonal contact, mitigating the spread of dire illnesses like the Coronavirus.  It should go as a surprise to no one then, that Software as a Service (SaaS), which allows for individuals to access their necessary software from any internet accessible location, is already a staple